Altar Servers
Serving the Altar
Altar Servers assist the Celebrant with the celebration of Liturgies by performing various liturgical tasks that contribute to the worship setting. To become an Altar Server, a child must have received First Holy Communion and their family must attend Mass regularly.
Altar Servers assist the Celebrant with the celebration of Liturgies by performing various liturgical tasks that contribute to the worship setting. To become an Altar Server, a child must have received First Holy Communion and their family must attend Mass regularly.
Altar Server Training Sessions
Third Sunday, every other month 9:30am, in the Church. Next Training Session: August 18, 2024
Altar Server Appreciation Day
Altar Server Appreciation Day was held on Saturday, May 30th at Camp Rockfish. The Altar Servers enjoyed a hayride, archery, kayaking, canoeing, group challenge exercises, creek walk, mud walk, and finished the day up with a float down the creek!!
Altar Server Appreciation Day was August 30, 2014. They celebrated at Fun, Fun, Fun in Fayetteville, NC.
Altar Server Manual
Altar Server Items
Here are some pictures to help you with the names of the items the Altar Server will use during Mass.