Sick and Homebound Ministry
We are very blessed by the ministries we have in our parish. As disciples of Christ, we are called to reach out, to serve others with our God-given gifts.
It takes all of us to become church and we do that by giving of our time & talents & of our treasure. We ask you to join us - to help build our church, our community, our parish. Right now, we are in need of dedicated Sick and Homebound Ministers. Training and apprenticeship will be provided. Sick and Homebound Ministers have a special place within the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because they go out into the "field of His flock" bringing consolation to members of His Mystical Body. These ministers also bring Jesus in His Real Presence to those in need of physical and spiritual healing, as they bring Communion to those physically unable to attend Mass. Many blessings flow as friendships are made and fostered, and we help each other grow in holiness. Any parishioner who is qualified to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is eligible to serve in this ministry. Please prayerfully consider if you are being called to serve Jesus in serving those who cannot attend Mass in person. You will meet some very special people, and make some very special friends! If you would like to serve, please call the Parish Office at 910-425-1590, or send email to the Parish Office Manager, Maria Rosario, at [email protected]. Please join us. |