Christmas Season 2025
Outdoor Nativity Scene
The outdoor nativity scene was created over thirty years ago by parish-founding members Tom and Marlene Kovasckitz. Over the years, faithful parishioners have worked together to keep the structures and figures in good shape. The Knights of Columbus change the scene every week in Advent and Christmastide, offering the community a visual presentation of the Bible events of that first Advent and Christmas. People from all over the county drive by our "hidden" little parish to catch a glimpse of the Babe in the Manger every year! As Father Arul teaches us, if we remain humble as a little child, we will begin to see Jesus in ourselves, and in others. May our Outdoor Nativity Scene help you to reflect on the Christmas Story and the humble hearts of the shepherds, wise men, and Holy Family. Their humility guided them as sure as the Star of Bethlehem to find Jesus, whom Mary gave to us for our salvation.
Legion of Mary praying with the children of the parish, 2021
BIBLE STUDY GROUP - Studying 1 Samuel and forging friendships in the Body of Christ!
Good Shepherd Catholic Church has a very active faith community with many opportunities to serve God.
Our Mission: The People of Good Shepherd are dedicated to Preaching the Word of the Kingdom of God by Service to the Community and Sanctifying the One Family of Faith.
Our Mission: The People of Good Shepherd are dedicated to Preaching the Word of the Kingdom of God by Service to the Community and Sanctifying the One Family of Faith.
Parish Announcements
Go to the "Bulletins" page and click on the latest bulletin picture, or go to Welcome Page, "This Week's Schedule", to see all current Parish Announcements!
Parish Healing
Would you like to help build the parish and allow us to heal? Help the parish grow by inviting someone you know who has fallen away from the church to come to Mass with you one weekend. Or invite someone new who is not Catholic. God is always calling new people to him and asking us to live out our baptismal call.
What better time since we hear so much negative publicity about God and church? We might not be able to bring God and prayer back into school and our government, but we can bring people into the church.
As an Offering to Our Parish
Father Arul asks us to attend Holy Hour each Wednesday at 5:30pm. He also asks us to remember that the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is available every Wednesday at 5:30pm.
Parish Growth
Have you participated in the Parish Fast? Are you planning to participate in the Parish Fast? Help the parish grow by inviting someone you know who has fallen away from the church to come to Mass with you one weekend. Or invite someone new who is not Catholic. God is always calling new people to him and asking us to live out our baptismal call. What better time since we hear so much negative publicity about God and church? We might not be able to bring God and prayer back into school and our government, but we can bring people into the church.
Prayer for Our Parish
Almighty God, my parish is composed of people like me. I help make it what it is. It will be friendly if I am. It will be holy if I am. Its pews will be filled if I help fill them. It will do great work if I work. It will be prayerful if I pray. It will make a generous gift for so many causes if I am a generous giver. It will bring other people into its worship if I invite and bring them. It will be a parish family of loyalty and love, fearlessness and faith, compassion, charity, and mercy if I- who make it what it is- am filled with the same qualities. Therefore, with the help of God, I will dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my parish to be. Bless my journey, Lord God, that I might follow Jesus and build the Church for Your glory. Amen
Go to the "Bulletins" page and click on the latest bulletin picture, or go to Welcome Page, "This Week's Schedule", to see all current Parish Announcements!
Parish Healing
Would you like to help build the parish and allow us to heal? Help the parish grow by inviting someone you know who has fallen away from the church to come to Mass with you one weekend. Or invite someone new who is not Catholic. God is always calling new people to him and asking us to live out our baptismal call.
What better time since we hear so much negative publicity about God and church? We might not be able to bring God and prayer back into school and our government, but we can bring people into the church.
As an Offering to Our Parish
Father Arul asks us to attend Holy Hour each Wednesday at 5:30pm. He also asks us to remember that the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is available every Wednesday at 5:30pm.
Parish Growth
Have you participated in the Parish Fast? Are you planning to participate in the Parish Fast? Help the parish grow by inviting someone you know who has fallen away from the church to come to Mass with you one weekend. Or invite someone new who is not Catholic. God is always calling new people to him and asking us to live out our baptismal call. What better time since we hear so much negative publicity about God and church? We might not be able to bring God and prayer back into school and our government, but we can bring people into the church.
Prayer for Our Parish
Almighty God, my parish is composed of people like me. I help make it what it is. It will be friendly if I am. It will be holy if I am. Its pews will be filled if I help fill them. It will do great work if I work. It will be prayerful if I pray. It will make a generous gift for so many causes if I am a generous giver. It will bring other people into its worship if I invite and bring them. It will be a parish family of loyalty and love, fearlessness and faith, compassion, charity, and mercy if I- who make it what it is- am filled with the same qualities. Therefore, with the help of God, I will dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my parish to be. Bless my journey, Lord God, that I might follow Jesus and build the Church for Your glory. Amen
Doing Our Part
During this financial time of hardship for the Parish, we ask all to be mindful of their consumption and waste. When using Church facilities, us natural light if possible and turn lights off when you leave. If your Ministry is able to meet in a smaller space, please let the Office know. Keep the use of consumables, ie. paper, plates, cups, and such, to a minimal as possible. This is OUR CHURCH and together, as a Church Community, we will get through this hardship.
During this financial time of hardship for the Parish, we ask all to be mindful of their consumption and waste. When using Church facilities, us natural light if possible and turn lights off when you leave. If your Ministry is able to meet in a smaller space, please let the Office know. Keep the use of consumables, ie. paper, plates, cups, and such, to a minimal as possible. This is OUR CHURCH and together, as a Church Community, we will get through this hardship.
Lost and Found
We have incurred several items in our Lost and Found—reading glasses, sunglasses, books, toys, umbrellas, etc. If you think you may have misplaced an item, please check the Lost and Found area in the kitchen airlock under the wooden mail slots. If you have lost any of the items below — a house key, key fob, rosary, etc. - please contact Maria Rosario, 425-1590.
We have incurred several items in our Lost and Found—reading glasses, sunglasses, books, toys, umbrellas, etc. If you think you may have misplaced an item, please check the Lost and Found area in the kitchen airlock under the wooden mail slots. If you have lost any of the items below — a house key, key fob, rosary, etc. - please contact Maria Rosario, 425-1590.
Church Etiquette
Thank you for your presence here at Good Shepherd. In order to make our weekly celebrations more conductive to prayer, to preserve the sacredness of our liturgies and to ensure the comfort of all those who are gathered, the following are some gentle reminders of simple church etiquette.
Proper Attire
Remember the time when people put on their "Sunday best" to go to church? In fact, dress clothes were often referred to as Sunday clothes in some parts of the country. Too often, dress in church has become very casual. In all areas of our lives, we should offer Christ our best, and the same is true of our dress. We should dress modestly, not in a flashy way that world bring attention to ourselves. Our dress should always be becoming of a Christian- especially at church.
Also for the safety of our children, parishioners, and guests the speed limit for our parking lot is 10mph.
Arriving on Time
We ask that you make every attempt to be on time (even early) to Mass.
Due to circumstances out of our control, we understand that there are times tardiness cannot be
avoided. If Mass has begun, please enter through the side doors. Please wait for an usher to assist
you since we do not seat people during particular moments of the liturgy, such as during the readings
or the prayers. Remember that it is better to be present, even if late, than it is to be absent
from the assembly. An alternative would be to wait until the next Mass.
Entering the Church
Once you enter the church and the gong is rung, refrain from socializing with your friends. Remember
that others are already engaged in prayer in their seats. It is optional to bless yourself with holy
water, but a sign of respect for the Blessed Sacrament is by genuflecting (or bow if unable to genuflect)
before taking your seat.
Leaving Before the Final Blessing
Leaving church before the dismissal ignores another important part of the Liturgy. At the dismissal,
we celebrate our commission as sent forth by Jesus Christ himself. In that, Jesus’ last words to his
disciples were “Therefore, go out and make disciples of all nations….. And behold, I am with you
until the end of the age.” Matt 28:19-20. Our liturgy has a beginning (“In the name of the Father …”)
and an end ("Let us go in peace to love and serve the Lord…"). To leave immediately after Communion is to treat church like a fast food restaurant where we come and go as we please. We live in a fast-paced world where we seem to be hurrying from place to place. But in God's presence, we need to make every attempt to fight this pressure to move on to the next thing on the day's agenda.
Eat and run at McDonald's - but stay in church and thank God for his precious gifts.
Food Consumption
Please keep in mind that there should not be any eating of food or gum chewing during Mass. We are to fast one hour before Communion.
Before receiving Holy Communion, Catholics are asked to abstain from food, liquids and solids for one
hour. (Outlines of the Catholic Faith, Page 26, Article 5c).
Even though it has been mentioned that food is ok for children, please be mindful that children after a certain age should learn not to eat in church. This will help your child prepare for First Communion and to understand the meaning of fasting before Communion.
Due to an unusually hot summer the insects have been more active in the Church. Please help us with this issue by providing crumb free, non-sticky snacks, if necessary for little ones. Please ensure your area is cleaned up after Mass.
Remember to silence or turn off you cell phones in the Church
Thank you for your presence here at Good Shepherd. In order to make our weekly celebrations more conductive to prayer, to preserve the sacredness of our liturgies and to ensure the comfort of all those who are gathered, the following are some gentle reminders of simple church etiquette.
Proper Attire
Remember the time when people put on their "Sunday best" to go to church? In fact, dress clothes were often referred to as Sunday clothes in some parts of the country. Too often, dress in church has become very casual. In all areas of our lives, we should offer Christ our best, and the same is true of our dress. We should dress modestly, not in a flashy way that world bring attention to ourselves. Our dress should always be becoming of a Christian- especially at church.
Also for the safety of our children, parishioners, and guests the speed limit for our parking lot is 10mph.
Arriving on Time
We ask that you make every attempt to be on time (even early) to Mass.
Due to circumstances out of our control, we understand that there are times tardiness cannot be
avoided. If Mass has begun, please enter through the side doors. Please wait for an usher to assist
you since we do not seat people during particular moments of the liturgy, such as during the readings
or the prayers. Remember that it is better to be present, even if late, than it is to be absent
from the assembly. An alternative would be to wait until the next Mass.
Entering the Church
Once you enter the church and the gong is rung, refrain from socializing with your friends. Remember
that others are already engaged in prayer in their seats. It is optional to bless yourself with holy
water, but a sign of respect for the Blessed Sacrament is by genuflecting (or bow if unable to genuflect)
before taking your seat.
Leaving Before the Final Blessing
Leaving church before the dismissal ignores another important part of the Liturgy. At the dismissal,
we celebrate our commission as sent forth by Jesus Christ himself. In that, Jesus’ last words to his
disciples were “Therefore, go out and make disciples of all nations….. And behold, I am with you
until the end of the age.” Matt 28:19-20. Our liturgy has a beginning (“In the name of the Father …”)
and an end ("Let us go in peace to love and serve the Lord…"). To leave immediately after Communion is to treat church like a fast food restaurant where we come and go as we please. We live in a fast-paced world where we seem to be hurrying from place to place. But in God's presence, we need to make every attempt to fight this pressure to move on to the next thing on the day's agenda.
Eat and run at McDonald's - but stay in church and thank God for his precious gifts.
Food Consumption
Please keep in mind that there should not be any eating of food or gum chewing during Mass. We are to fast one hour before Communion.
Before receiving Holy Communion, Catholics are asked to abstain from food, liquids and solids for one
hour. (Outlines of the Catholic Faith, Page 26, Article 5c).
Even though it has been mentioned that food is ok for children, please be mindful that children after a certain age should learn not to eat in church. This will help your child prepare for First Communion and to understand the meaning of fasting before Communion.
Due to an unusually hot summer the insects have been more active in the Church. Please help us with this issue by providing crumb free, non-sticky snacks, if necessary for little ones. Please ensure your area is cleaned up after Mass.
Remember to silence or turn off you cell phones in the Church