2024/2025 Faith Formation Registration for Grades Kindergarten through 12th.
Parents or guardians can register their children for Faith Formation using the form located on the Welcome Table or DOUBLE-CLICK HERE to print and email it to [email protected].
Tuition payments may also be paid on line. Cost is $40 per child with a cap of $85 per family for parishioners. Non-parishioners cost is $50 per child.
Payment Options: You may pay in person or place in Offertory Basket during Mass. If paying by check, be sure to make check out to Good Shepherd Catholic Church, and write "Faith Formation Registration" on memo line. If paying by cash, be sure to place in sealed envelope and write "Faith Formation Registration" on the front.
You are also welcome to take home a registration form from the welcome table in the gathering area and return it with tuition to the office or enclosed in an envelope marked Faith Formation via the Sunday Mass collection.
Sessions began September 15, 2024. Due to limited space, Kindergarten through Fifth Grade will meet Sunday morning 9:45am-11:15am. Middle School and High School will meet after the Sunday 11:30am Mass from 1:00pm to 2:30pm.
Sunday sessions and Entering/Leaving the Social Hall:
Parents or guardians can register their children for Faith Formation using the form located on the Welcome Table or DOUBLE-CLICK HERE to print and email it to [email protected].
Tuition payments may also be paid on line. Cost is $40 per child with a cap of $85 per family for parishioners. Non-parishioners cost is $50 per child.
Payment Options: You may pay in person or place in Offertory Basket during Mass. If paying by check, be sure to make check out to Good Shepherd Catholic Church, and write "Faith Formation Registration" on memo line. If paying by cash, be sure to place in sealed envelope and write "Faith Formation Registration" on the front.
You are also welcome to take home a registration form from the welcome table in the gathering area and return it with tuition to the office or enclosed in an envelope marked Faith Formation via the Sunday Mass collection.
Sessions began September 15, 2024. Due to limited space, Kindergarten through Fifth Grade will meet Sunday morning 9:45am-11:15am. Middle School and High School will meet after the Sunday 11:30am Mass from 1:00pm to 2:30pm.
Sunday sessions and Entering/Leaving the Social Hall:
- If your child cannot attend in class sessions due to medical concerns you are welcome and encouraged to do home catechesis with your child. More information is available upon request by calling the Office at (910)425-1590, ext. 200.
- To avoid congestion in the stairwell parents and guardians will be able to bring and leave the building with children and youth via the three entrances to the building. To keep within guidelines for this year we ask that parents come directly to the classrooms with their child and receive their child from the classroom after class.
- If any child or youth is to leave the building with anyone else beside the designated parent or guardian a written letter with all contact information must be provided from the parent or guardian.
- If your child was not baptized at Good Shepherd Church please supply a copy of their baptismal certificate for their file.