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What is ChristLife?
ChristLife equips Catholics for the essential work of evangelization so that all people might
personally encounter Jesus Christ and be transformed into His missionary disciples.
We developed the ChristLife Evangelization process, which is a relational way to make missionary disciples by helping people discover, follow and share Jesus Christ.
Our ministry partners with parishes, priests, clergy, religious and lay leaders who are seeking to answer the
Church’s call for the New Evangelization through a proven method of parish evangelization and outreach.
ChristLife equips Catholics for the essential work of evangelization so that all people might
personally encounter Jesus Christ and be transformed into His missionary disciples.
We developed the ChristLife Evangelization process, which is a relational way to make missionary disciples by helping people discover, follow and share Jesus Christ.
Our ministry partners with parishes, priests, clergy, religious and lay leaders who are seeking to answer the
Church’s call for the New Evangelization through a proven method of parish evangelization and outreach.
Following Christ
What is Following Christ?
Following Christ continues where Discovering Christ left-off: "Catholic Discipleship". All of the presentations are focused on spiritual growth & the disciplines needed to live out a mature Christian faith.
The goal of this course is help those who have completed Discovering Christ to grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus. By the grace of God, this is accomplished by praying together, teaching, & supporting one another in taking up some of the basic disciplines & truths that have been practiced by Christians from the time of early church
Following Christ continues where Discovering Christ left-off: "Catholic Discipleship". All of the presentations are focused on spiritual growth & the disciplines needed to live out a mature Christian faith.
The goal of this course is help those who have completed Discovering Christ to grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus. By the grace of God, this is accomplished by praying together, teaching, & supporting one another in taking up some of the basic disciplines & truths that have been practiced by Christians from the time of early church